“I invite you to…”
“I invite you to…”

“And I invite you, in this perfect moment, to realize that we — you and I — are one Spirit flowing within, and throughout, the infinite realm of matter, and that our unity has always and ever been so. Although for a while you forgot that we were united, that did not mean we were ever separated. It just rendered you briefly insensible to our eternal connection.”

“And I invite you, in this perfect moment, to realize that we — you and I — are one Spirit flowing within, and throughout, the infinite realm of matter, and that our unity has always and ever been so. Although for a while you forgot that we were united, that did not mean we were ever separated. It just rendered you briefly insensible to our eternal connection.”

“What diminishes one of us diminishes us all, while what enhances one of us enhances us all.”
This philosophy for engaging with each other to create a new and higher vision for humanity’s future lays the cornerstone for Sacred Economics, which explores the history, evolution and dysfunctional state of our global economy from a new perspective.

“What diminishes one of us diminishes us all, while what enhances one of us enhances us all.”
This philosophy for engaging with each other to create a new and higher vision for humanity’s future lays the cornerstone for Sacred Economics, which explores the history, evolution and dysfunctional state of our global economy from a new perspective.
Eileen Workman
Social Synthesist :|: Author
Eileen Workman spent sixteen years in the financial industry as First Vice President of Investments at a major Wall Street firm. After a profound spiritual awakening, she departed the high-powered world of money and wrote Sacred Economics: The Currency of Life, which questions assumptions about the nature of capitalism. The book is about directing our attention toward the purposeful design of a more compassionate, cooperative, and abundantly flowing economic system from a spiritually driven perspective. Her recent offering, Raindrops Of Love For A Thirsty World, is a timely spiritual guide to surviving and thriving in today’s pervasive, gloomy atmosphere of alienation and fear. Raindrops of Love For a Thirsty World lays out a path to lifelong self-actualization and reconnection through a shared consciousness.